Week 3: In the public eye

Being in the public eye must be horrible. I would regret being so, because I consider that famous people do not have any privacity and I also believe that they are criticized a lot. If I were famous and I went out to have fun at a simple bar, people would ask for pictures with me, I would not enjoy my night out with my friends, and they would not enjoy it either. Furthermore,if it is a simple bar, not much known, people could talk about the fact that I had been there and my fans would try to go there just because I have gone; and my haters would probably talk bad about the bar and avoid going there. I would not like being in the public eye due to all the critics (possitive and negatives) there would be about everything I did, and because I would not have any privacy at all. The following picture is a photograph taken on a special day when my friends and I went to a party known as "Paellas De Letras". I have chos...