
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

Week 7: What is a successful business

A successful business, from my viewpoint, is the one which makes you feel fulfilled and with which you can help people or make positive things. Looking in the internet, many people who are now millionaires think that what you have to do to find a business in which you could success is to think what annoys you. For example Richard Branson said: "The best business come from people's bad personal experiences. If you just keep your eyes open, you're going to find something that frustrates you, and then you think, 'well I could maybe do it better than it's being done', and there you have a business." In addition, Arianna Huffington says that if you are going to start a business, you need to really love it, because not everybody is going to love it. When The Huffington Post was first launched in 2005, there were so many detractors. She remembers a critic who wrote that The Huffington Post was an unsurvivable failure. The best five steps you must follow to

Week 6: Connections

- 130 Juan Carlos I Street Murcia, Murcia October 20, 2018 Dear Ainara, I have not seen you for ages, how are you? I have already moved to the appartment I told you about in Murcia. University started one month ago and I have a lot of things to study already. Some subjects are easier than others and I am not very worried about them, but others are really difficult; they seem like chinese to me. I take advantage of the fact that my flat mates go to their village on the weekends and I stay here, so I have no housework to do, no noise, and I can spend the whole day studying. To improve my english, I am trying to do things such as: watching films in english, listening to some music in english and trying to understand them, read some short books in english, and so on. I also have a british friend and I try to talk to her by sending audios by whatsapp, so I can practice my oral english, not just the writing part. Lately, as long as I really like Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran and

Week 5: Dream Jobs

-To begin with, my worst job would be to work as a surgeon, nurse or anything related to treating people with diseases, and blood. I am very fusspot so I do not like to see or touch blood, any wounds or injuries, and so on. I would not be able to draw blood, attend someone who has had any accident, or a labour. Furthermore I do not think I could tell any bad new if the pacient dies, to the family. I would feel terrible if I had to tell someone that their father, daughter, grandfather, sibling.. has died. Or if they have cancer or anything like that. Of course it is not nurses' fault if someone dies or has a disease, but when you tell this kind of news to someone you do not know, you can feel horrible, especially if it is your first time. It must be really hard not just hearing the new, but telling it to the relatives. -My grandmother used to work on a quiosk. She was the boss of the quiosk and my mother and my aunt worked there. The pros are that she was her own boss and she d

Week 4: If I were you

- Website   where  I  found   some   pieces   of   advice , and  one   fragment  I  chose :     https://www.huffingtonpost.com/shannon-kellogg-psy-d/the-best-love-advice-ive-ever-received_b_4414263.html   " The   point   is   not   that   you   should   act   arrogantly   or  as  if   entitled ,  but   that ,  if   you   act  as  if   you   have   value  in  the   world ,  others  are more  likely   to   treat   you   that   way . In  the  hetero  world ,  this   means   letting   the   guy   pursue   you .  Which   is   to   say ,  not   calling   too   much   or   being   too   accommodating   to   his   needs .  Conversely ,  if  he  fails   to   call ,  hold   your  head  high  and  walk   away .  Maybe   I’m   old-fashioned ,  but   I  still   think   that , in  the   early   days   of  a  relationship ,  the   onus   falls   on   the   opposite  sex."   - Website  page,  and  te xt  in  which  I  found  modal  verbs :     https://nyelvkonyv