Week 5: Dream Jobs

-To begin with, my worst job would be to work as a surgeon, nurse or anything related to treating people with diseases, and blood. I am very fusspot so I do not like to see or touch blood, any wounds or injuries, and so on. I would not be able to draw blood, attend someone who has had any accident, or a labour. Furthermore I do not think I could tell any bad new if the pacient dies, to the family. I would feel terrible if I had to tell someone that their father, daughter, grandfather, sibling.. has died. Or if they have cancer or anything like that. Of course it is not nurses' fault if someone dies or has a disease, but when you tell this kind of news to someone you do not know, you can feel horrible, especially if it is your first time. It must be really hard not just hearing the new, but telling it to the relatives.

-My grandmother used to work on a quiosk. She was the boss of the quiosk and my mother and my aunt worked there. The pros are that she was her own boss and she did not have to put up with somebody else.  The cons are that she had to work everyday with the help of her daughters and if there is any family problem, they have to stand each other. It is said that you better not mix family with work.

-To improve my english this week, I have watched a film, a musical, in english. Its name is Rent. I have enjoyed this musical so much that I am all day long listening to the songs from it. I have watched it twice to look for some words I did not understand the first time.


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