Week 13: Making decisions


I have always been keen on disney movies, whose thematic normally is about someone who is evil trying to annoy the good character. In Snow White for instance, there is an evil queen who wants to be "the prettiest of them all", and  Snow White is just a poor girl who has not done anything wrong but who the queen wants to kill. She wants to kill her in order to be the prettiest of the kingdom. In this story the queen is evil at the beginning and at the end of the film, but it is not the same in the case of "Wreck it Ralph".

Regarding its story, this film tells us that evil characters can change their personality and stop being bad. Ralph has been the evil of a video-game all his life and he feels like he is tired and wants people to stop thinking he is bad. For that, he has to win a medal to prove he can be good too. He ends up losing his medal once he has won it and meets the girl who stole it from him. At the beginning he is upset and angry with the girl, but he understands that the girl needed the medal for a competition and without it, she had not been able to participate. This is when you can tell the difference between the standard disney film and "Wreck-it Ralph".

Referring to its pros and cons, I can only see pros as long as the story is well-structured and catchy. It is also a modern film which shows how people can choose being bad or good, no matter if they have been born as bad or good. Added to this, this film is suitable for kids to understand that not all bad people will always be bad, and this can teach them that they have to forgive bad people sometimes because they might not be bad people anymore.

Therefore, if you are looking for a disney film with a different plot, you should watch "Wreck-it Ralph". This story shows how a bad character can develop and change their behaviour in the future even though they have been bad all their life time.

                                                           Resultado de imagen de wreck it ralph

My favourite films are those from Disney
                                                   Resultado de imagen de disney films
To improve my English this week I am going to watch "Bohemian Raphsody" to the cinema in its original version.


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