Week 10: Reports and proposals

Example of report:


Introduction. Here is where we introduce the topic and state the tesis.
This report is about my new job as a product designer at the wolfcraft company and about my firs six months of work experience.
First body paragraph. Here we explain the first idea of the report.
When I first came here for an interview I got very impressed by the architecture of the main building. This still excites me every day when I go in to get to my room where I have been working from the first day on.
Second body paragraph. Here we develop the second idea of the report.
I really like the working atmosphere in here not just because my colleagues are very friendly and we do lots of projects in groups. When started working here six months ago my task was to design little products, for instance screwdrewers. But now I am allowed to work on bigger and more important projects which motivates me to put a lot of effort in my work.
Third paragraph. Here we talk about the last idea of the report.
For me there is only one problem concerning my job at the wolfcraft company. We have many workers coming here by car so it is really hard to get my car parked if I am not very early in the morning. For me there is no possibility to get here with public transport because in my home town isn't even a small train station.
Conclusion. Here we make a summary.
I have already had a training to improve my skills concerning the work with the new computer programme. I think the company should continue offering these training so we can keep up date.
So all in all, I am very happy with my job here.

Example of proposal:


Introduction. Here we explain what we are going to talk about in the proposal.
The aim of this proposal is to show a view of holding  an international soccer competition (under 18) in our town which should be taking place next summer from 1 August till 16th August. Around 20 soccer teams from all over Europe has signed up. 
First paragraph. Here we explain the first idea. In this case some advantages.
Libochovice has a brand new soccer field with 5000 seats. Sport events could also be spread to the nearby villages as they are not far (usually within 5 km), they are in good condition and they will be available for this event as  mayors have promised.
Second paragraph. Here we develop the second idea: the public transport in this case.
The town is reachable by busses and trains. Extra links will be add to the normal time-tables. There are plenty of restaurants, pubs, a cinema and a leisure centre which offers plenty to do in the evenings. There will be a fun fair taking place in this time as every year.There are not many places offering accommodation in the town. So there would be a free shuttle available from the closest surrounding lodging places.
Third paragraph. Here we talk about the third idea
The city council is able to organise such a challenging competition, as there have been collected enough money from sponsors. Some of the money will be spend for a special daytime social programme, which will be draw up for delegates and their children and also for the presentation of our town, for example, redecorating some of the attractive buildings and improving city centre look. 
Conclusion. Here we sum up the proposal
To sum up Libochovice as it appears could manage such an event due to a good organisation and if they stick up to their planning. 

The main difference between a report and a proposal is that a proposal is a document sent to suggest new activities or action-steps. It follows a similar structure to a formal report, but will be a more persuasive document. There are several ingredients that help to create a persuasive proposal: it must back up any suggestions with arguments or facts; it must be creative, offering new ideas, rather than telling people what they already know; it must show an emotional commitment to the proposal; and it should demonstrate empathy, showing that you are aware of your readers’ position and understand their problems.
On the other hand, a report is a formal document which is produced as the result of an investigation or research. It will often contain a considerable amount of information and therefore it will be far clearer and communicate more effectively if it is structured in easy-to-digest sections. The emphasis must be on logical presentation and ease of reference.
-To improve my English this week I have started to watch a new serie called Money Heist.


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