Week 16: Laguage

-Here we have a map of all the languages spoken in the world. However, it is not very clear, so this is the link for this image in case that you want to take a look at it:  https://www.mapsofworld.com/world-language-map.htm
Resultado de imagen de map of languages spoken in the world

Honestly, there are many languages that I would like to be able to speak. I believe that French is not very hard to learn, and taking into a count that I am Spanish and I am studying Italian, I do not think that French is really very different than the things that I have already studied. It is said that French is not very dissimilar from Italian or Spanish. I would like to take classes someday and try to speak it because I think it is beautiful. Furthermore, I would love to speak German, as it is very important nowadays, but I find it very difficult and different from the languages I have already studied, so I am afraid of learning it. Finally, another laguage that I want to learn is Chinese or Japanese, because it is very awkward and that could make me get a job easily: my curiculum would be different. However, I think it is very difficult to learn how to write it ad pronounce it, so I do not think I will ever speak it fluently. Japanese and Chinese are said to be some of the most difficult languages to learn.

-This week I have been watching some films in English such as: Iron Man 1, 2 and 3, Captain America and Thor. I am watching all Marvel films with Silvia Juste this month!!


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