Week 20: Reviews

  • Find a review on the Internet and comment of the structure of the review, the language used and the information included (opinion versus facts). Upload the link to your blog.

Resultado de imagen de REVIEW EXAMPLE
This review's structure is divided into: 
-An introduction where we can see the definition of the topic; it provides an appropriate context for reviewing the play they are going to talk about.
-The main body, where the middle or main body is organised according to the common themes.
-And a conclusion which summarises the important aspects of the existing body of the review.
The language used is a cultured language fulled of descriptions such as: Adrenaline-filled, comic-inspired, seductive cat burglar, violent masked villain, The Dark Knight Rises is exciting, creative, and dark, and so on.
Furthermore, the information included is personal, as they are giving their opinion about the film, and they use words or phrases recommending such as: "Despite the films minor shortcomings, The Dark Knight Rises is exciting, creative, and dark—and well worth a few hours of your time."

  • Tell us what you've done this week to improve your English.
To improve my english, I have started a book called "Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine", which is in english


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