Week 23: Persuasion

-Some sentences which we can use on persuasive writing:
Most people would agree, Only a fool would think, A sensible idea would be to, We all know that, Does not everyone know that, It would not be very difficult to, The real truth is that, Are we expected to, Naturally I feel that, The fact is that, Surely you would agree that, and Here are two reasons why.

The purpose of this experiment was to test the effectiveness of composite filters made from citrus peels and citrus pectin along with charcoal and sand on removing heavy metal pollutants from the waters of Tar Creek. A toxicity test was also done before and after filtration using Daphnia magna. Charcoal and sand were used as filtrates to decrease the TDS and neutralize the pH of the water after filtration. Daphnia magna were used as toxicity test before and after filtration. It was hypothesized that the composite filters (citrus + sand +charcoal) will decrease the heavy metal concentration, neutralize the pH, and decrease the TDS after filtration. It was also hypothesized that a higher percentage of Daphnia magna will survive in the filtered water as compared to the unfiltered water. Water samples were collected from four different sites at Tar Creek. Each water sample went through four different citrus filters plus one control (sand + charcoal). All the citrus filters decreased the heavy metal concentration after filtration. All of the filters neutralized the pH. The citrus peel filters for Site 4 were the only filters to have a pH of 7 after filtration. Only 25% of the citrus filters decreased the TDS after filtration, while 50% of the control filters decreased the TDS after filtration. A higher percentage of Daphnia magna survived after filtration. The orange peel had the overall highest survival of Daphnia after filtration. The correlation observed before and after filtration was cadmium was most toxic to Daphnia magna.
The Southwest shrub Juniperus communis (Juniper Berry) has many significant medicinal value in the Native American culture that has not been proven scientifically. One of the popular uses of Juniper berries aside from its detoxifying action is its potential to repel insects. This study focuses on the development of insect repellant from its essential oil obtained through steam distillation. 50 g of fresh berries was collected and dried for 5 days and is placed in a still tank with 100 mL of water for steam distillation using the Flinn Scientific Borosilicate Lab Kit. Gather the extracted oil and dilute 70% in three separate containers to be transferred into spray bottles. Testing involved the spraying of the dilute sample into a class jar with Anopheles juidthae (common NM mosquito) and compared this to the effect of a commercial insect repellant. After testing and comparing the result, the commercial insect repellant significantly showed that it is a better insect repellant compared to the J. communis diluted essential oil. However, the essential oil has also an insect repellant potential.

-To improve my english, I have been watching different Marvel films this week.


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