Week 24: Natural Wonders

-Text describing Venice:
One of the famous city in Italy is Venice. It get its popularity because Venice is a rich and interesting city. It has a lot of history documentations and offers a lot  of attractive things to visitors.
Venice has been established over 2000 years ago when waves of barbarians drove people out of their homes in various Roman cities. Around years 800-1100 AD, Venice underwent a period of growth, and became more centralized. It gradually developed into a city state, which is essentially a self-governed region of a country that trades freely among others.
As Venice gradually developed, it became a prominent player in the sea trade of the time. It was set upon by many different threats. Pirates became the hugest problem. Fewer and fewer shipments were making it through the treacherous water. It happened when the Republic of Venice decided to move the operations to the eastern shores.
When we think of Venice, the first thing which comes to mind are canals. They are considered the trademark of the city. Canals are mostly recognizable for providing the main form of transportation throughout the city. Visiting Venice brings a rich aura of history and culture. Floating through the canals for an afternoon makes for a memorable experience, and it’s one that any traveler commonly enjoy.

To improve this text, on the second line I would not have said "attractive things" but "attractive monuments". Furthermore I would have added more information about the sights when you are on one of the sea trade. When you are there, the travel must be very calm and nice. The views must also be awesome and nothing about them is mentioned. Finally, I would not have said that much about history but about the beauty of the place.

-To improve my english, this week I have been seen videos from an english youtuber.


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