Week 28: Connecting words

This week we've been practising academic language in texts, and linking devices.

  • Find out an piece of news where an academic topic is developed on the Internet and underline all the formal expressions you can see.
-Having stretch marks can lower the self esteem of people. It is often seen as something ugly, or at least unaesthetic. That is why countless people type in “how to get rid of stretch marks” in internet search engines to discover how to solve this issue. In this essay, we will focus on practical ways of making stretch marks disappear by various methods: consuming more Vitamin A, using a sugar scrub, employing aloe vera, taking hyaluronic acid through capsules, and applying coconut oil.
Getting stretch marks out by consuming vitamin A seems like a stretch, but it is a home remedy that is trusted. In fact, a lot of issues we have can be solved by the intake of more vitamins. According to Healthline, “Vitamin A is referred to as a retinoid. Retinoids make skin appear smoother and more youthful. They’re used in many over-the-counter topical cosmetic creams. Therefore, you should be on the lookout for products and foods that contain ample amounts of Vitamin A to make your skin return back to normal.
Though this substance is usually thought of as something harmful to our health, using a sugar scrub on the marks can be of great benefit. 
Another natural remedy for stretch marks is aloe vera. There are so many choices for consuming aloe vera in the form of drinks, capsules, and of course from the plant itself. As stated by Healthline, “While little clinical evidence exists for aloe vera as a stretch mark cure, pure aloe vera is both a natural healing agent and a skin softener. This makes it an ideal home remedy to try for stretch marks. 
The next aid sounds a bit technical, but research has shown that hyaluronic acid can help reduce stretch marks and even prevent them. It has more evidence that aloe vera as a solution. According to The American Academy of Dermatology, “In two large studies, applying hyaluronic acid to early stretch marks made the stretch marks less noticeable. Researchers have found that products containing centella or hyaluronic acid may help prevent stretch marks. 
A home remedy that has been popular for a variety of skin issues for eons is coconut oil.Applying virgin coconut oil to your stretch marks each day might take away some of their red appearance”
All of these solutions are readily available to people to remove stretch marks: taking Vitamin A, employing a sugar scrub, using aloe vera, ingesting hyaluronic acid through capsules, and using coconut oil. All these methods and more are viable, but it is best to check with your doctor about the best ones according to your condition, allergies, and medical past.

  • Browse the Net and find a reliable classification of linking devices and upload it to your blog.
  • Tell us what you've done this week to improve your English.
To improve my English, this week I have been watching Attack on titan in English


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